
Jon Brosio

My name is Jon Brosio and it is a pleasure to meet you.

While you're here let me tell you a little about my story, how I came to be where I am today and where I am going with TL.

A few years ago I was probably just like you...

I was working a job that I hated, for people I felt didn't respect me (and I didn't respect them), I wasn't making the money I believed I was capable of, I was out of shape, drinking and smoking too much and most of all, just plain unhappy with my life.

I was working in a restaurant in Los Angeles as a server. 

I was waking up everyday dreading having to go into work and collect the scraps of money from people I felt were no different than you and me.

I was working there for about 4 months until one day a prominent figure that I look up to came in to eat: Joe Rogan.

It was a Saturday night and we had just had our best revenue night to boot. I was charged with serving Joe Rogan. He was super kind, engaging and told me he loved his meal. At the end of the dinner, we comp'd his meal and he called me over and handed me two crisp one hundred dollar bills.

I was in heaven.

Our manager bought us a round of beers to celebrate. We finally had made it in LA.

And then of course everything changed.

I woke up the next morning to an onslaught of missed calls and text messages.

The restaurant we had been working at for 4 months spontaneously burned down.

Everyone who worked at the restaurant was shocked.

We couldn't believe what happened.

The rest of the day felt like a blur. It really didn't feel real.

I took a few hours to think about what just happened.

I called the GM and went to go look at the wreckage...

And there I was, with no job, an unhealthy mindset, a body I didn't like and no positive outlook for the future.

So the next day, seeing as I didn't have anything to work for, I bought a domain name and a server to host the site

I still pay for that site and keep it live just so I can remind myself of the journey.

I had zero clue what I was doing

I knew I had to write and get my thoughts out into the world, but I had no idea how to do it.

I promised myself that everyday I would wake up and just write - no judgement, no excuses.

So that's what I did.

Overtime, I felt I could finally start sharing my ideas with my social network.

So whenever I would post something online, I made sure to share it via instagram and other social media platforms.

I would get a few bites here and there, but mainly it was just nibbles. Two or three views of my work tops. I believe this was the case because no one really cared what I was writing about. I wasn't solving any problems for the readers.

Tools that started to help improve my blogging

After a few months of sticking to my guns, I started writing on platforms like Quora and Medium

These were places where people, just like you and me were sharing our stories. I would read what other people had to say, get inspired by it and write up my own content in hopes that it would be seen by people.

Very quickly I saw how fast my voice was going  to catch on.

A few weeks after I started writing, I began getting first hundreds

  • Then thousands
  • Then tens of thousands
  • Then MILLIONS of views of my content

And it all started to happen so fast...

Taking blogging to the next level

I began to take inventory of what I was doing right.

And people kept coming to my site over and over.

I knew I was on to something - I just didn't know exactly what I was.

In order to make use of these readers, I began building an email list

Building an email list the the foundation you need in order to make money with your website

(***If you need help in deciding what email list builder to use, check out this link now for an exclusive deal with Convertkit - the email service provider I use and swear by. The link provided is an affiliate link***)

I started using opt-ins to get people to sign up for my email list.

From there I started communicating regularly with the people on my list.

And that's when things started to get good...

How to make money blogging

Once you have an email list being built, everything with you blogging begins to change.

For me, I started asking my email subscribers what difficulties they were dealing with in building their online businesses.

One of the biggest pain points was in building traffic. So, my common sense took over and I thought about building a product that taught people how to use the strategies, tricks, tips and tools that I used to build the traffic I was receiving.

And my first product was built and offered to the public.

At first, I didn't get any nibbles. 

I was too afraid to start "selling" anything to this audience that trusted me.

But deep down I knew I was providing value. I was something that I built that was going to help a community. So I kept moving forward.

After a while and a few tweaks, people started buying...

I knew I was on to something...

It starts with a little change

Ever since making a small choice to start writing everyday, my life changed drastically.

And that's now my mission for you.

Everyone is in a different scenario in life. Everyone has different responsibilities and different needs that pertain to their own situation.

However, I do believe that everyone is looking for their version of freedom.

And that's what I am striving to put forward in my life.

To offer up the strategies and insight I've used to help change my own life.

And plenty of people have seen the benefits already!

People write to me all the time letting me know how after adopting the practices I preach, they have seen their own lives and businesses start to flourish:

I don't put all of these responses in here to gloat.

In fact, it's quite the opposite...

I put these in here to show you that there is a chance. So many people are coming from different backgrounds and situations and they are all gaining something from what is being created here.

That's what it is all about.

And again, I'm only getting started.

If you have always been thinking about getting your blog and business started and you don't know where to turn, click the button below now and get started!

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